Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lazy Day Sundays


You just got to love those days when you really don't have to get dressed, can laze around all day on your laptop, with your cat by your side. Those days when, you can visit all around the world, and never really have to get out of your bed. Laptops, one of life's greatest inventions, and a fine addiction for a day off. Laptops can bring you to France, Spain, Sweden, the Caribbean. Just a few clicks and you are there.

My latest addiction, "Pinterest", where you create theme boards of your choice. One never needs to purchase another magazine, as they are all just at your fingertips. Forget the advertising, no need.

Pinterest holds all your fashion, DIY, decor, travel, & hobby inspirations. Click the link that connects you, usually to someones blog, and you're instantly transferred across the ocean, somewhere in the States, anywhere you want to go.

The difficulty lies in that you assemble all these wonderful photos, loads and loads, of "things to do someday" ideas. One does need to, at one point, get up off their fat ass, and actually start doing some of them, instead of lying in bed with a perfect feline friend purring and snoring beside you.

My lovely princess feline Tess, enjoys these lazy Sundays. She too was gifted with a Cat nip little mattress, which she absolutely loves and enjoys rolling, licking and chewing on it, hmmm, what exactly is in that cat nip?

Not exactly where she is visiting when lying on the cat nip mat, but she sure is lovin' it.

Pinterest can help you broaden your photography skills, the photos are picture perfect. Both Randy and I have fab cameras, although he constantly feels the need to upgrade on a poor man's budget. So practice, practice, with my feline friend. She is being a very cooperative model today. Enjoy a few of her best poses, experimenting with blur, and playing with her new cat nip mat. As well, a few shots of another addiction of
mine, bracelets, scarves and necklaces. Oh well, it could be worse.

Just a typical Sunday winding down after a very busy week, every week... and longing for the holiday, soon....

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